The content that can be accessed via these pages is for general information purposes only. It does not address to the specific situation of individual clients. We endeavor to ensure that the information is up-to-date, accurate and complete, but cannot guarantee this and reject all liability in this respect to the extent permissible by law. The content of these pages cannot replace advice tailored to the specific circumstances of an individual case. Before you take or rule out specific steps, you should obtain professional advice.
A client relationship with IT AUDIT will only come about on written confirmation of acceptance and shall not arise on the basis of the information provided being read, downloaded or otherwise used.
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The receipt of emails may be disrupted for technical or operational reasons. For that reason, sending e-mails to us shall not have the effect of compliance with deadlines, nor may legally binding deadlines be set in this way. We recommend that any time-critical or urgent messages are sent additionally by post, courier or fax. If you want to be sure that your e-mail has been properly received, please request a written confirmation of receipt from the recipient. Communication by e-mail is not secure as there is always a chance of access and manipulation by third parties.
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"IT AUDIT" and the IT AUDIT logo are registered trademarks of IT AUDIT GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft.
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