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Our services, tailor made for you



Modern accounting processes are inconceivable without the use of information technology (IT), especially considering that nowadays accounting is much more than merely keeping books and recording inventories – instead it has become a management and monitoring instrument for companies. For that reason it is necessary to take account of the risks that arise from the use of IT (IT risks). These risks need to be identified and dealt with.

For example, when auditing annual financial statements the auditor will have to engage with the (accounting-related) IT systems of the company being audited.

Additionally, evaluating compliance, that is to say, the adherence to laws and guidelines as well as voluntary codes, has gained significant importance in companies and the IT systems they use (IT compliance).

As an auditing firm IT AUDIT supports companies in complying with the requirements under commercial and tax law. This needs to be ensured even at the stage of developing, introducing or restructuring accounting-related IT systems. Here, too, we support both auditors / auditing firms as well as the clients themselves, including their internal auditing teams, in implementing the requirements and performing the corresponding audits/projects.

Project examples include

  • Software certifications, i.e. the issue of software certificates as set down at IDW PS 880,
  • Preparation of digital company audits (GDPdU),
  • Performance of IT system and process analyses as well as the creation of corresponding (process) documentation,
  • Support and introduction of ICS topics at the conceptual phase of authorization concepts,
  • Responding to IT-related issues in the course of due-diligence audits (IT due diligence),
  • Performance of data/system migration and interface audits and
  • Support in setting up processes for electronic billing processes (e-billing) or certification of such processes.

In the "Services" section you will find an overview of the services provided by IT AUDIT.

Where to find us:
Im Mediapark 5a
50670 Cologne
Phone+49 221 952681-190
Fax+49 221 952681-114
E-Mail infoit-auditcom